Frankfurt Book Fair — October 16 – 20, 2024

Adrian Grigore

English / Română

Adrian Grigore was born on July 8, 1956 in Humele, Argeș county, Romania, being the third of the six children of the priest Gheorghe and Floarea Grigore’s family.

As a child, during the summer vacations, he wandered with his friends through the legendary forests of the Teleorman river valley, which would inspire him in his later books. These old and wild forests are the ones in which Vlad the Impaler, aka Dracula, the brave and famous ruler of Romanian Wallachia, organized and led in 1462 a strong resistance against a large Ottoman army.

Even since childhood, he was very fond of history and wanted to become an archaeologist. Since his father was an Orthodox priest, the communist authorities forbade him to attend the Faculty of History, which was considered to be an educational institution for the future communist party activists only.

He graduated from the Faculty of Electronics in Bucharest and, starting from 1977, worked for Romanian Seismic Network. The political persecution continued and he was forbidden to travel to USA for a training in the field of seismic equipment.

 After the political changes in Romania in December 1989, he was finally able to move freely and participated in many expeditions of geophysical investigations of nuclear and mining sites, especially from the Scandinavian countries and from Canada.

About the Author >>


October 16-20, 2024: Frankfurt Book Fair

Autorul Adrian Grigore va fi prezent la Târgul de cărți de la Frankfurt din acest an si va oferi gratis cărți cu autograf vizitatorilor standului

The Regency Publishers unde va fi expusă cartea sa The Last Winter.

The author Adrian Grigore will be present at this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair and will offer free autographed books to visitors to

The Regency Publishers stand where his book The Last Winter will be exhibited.


April 20–21, 2024: The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books

The author Adrian Grigore participated at the Los Angeles Book Festival (April 19-20, 2024). His book The Last Winter was exhibited by The Media Reviews at Booth 935 GATHERING AUTHORS /GATHERING VOLUMES in the Black Zone.

Mrs. Christy Lorenzo ensured the author’s access to the facilities in Booth 935, in order to sign books for interested visitors. The author also benefited from the professional services of Orland, the photographer. For all this, the author thanks the organizers of Booth 935. More info here.

On April 24-25, 2024, the author Adrian Grigore visited several public libraries, in Portland-OREGON and its surroundings, to which he donated The Last Winter books, with autographs, as proof of his appreciation for the work of libraries and librarians.

 The author’s philanthropic action was carried out under the motto: “The Last Winter, a book about libraries, given to all readers”

The books were accepted with joy by the library staff. More info here.

March 21, 2024: Romanian Academy event

On March 21, 2024, at 11 a.m., Mr. Academician Prof. Dr. Nicolae Victor Zamfir, Vice-President of the Romanian Academy, received two books translated into English: The Last Winter and Red Alert for Romania, with an autograph from the author Adrian Grigore. The event took place at the Romanian Academy and was followed by a very interesting discussion between the two about literature and scientific research. More info here.

În ziua de 21 Martie 2024, ora 11,  Domnul Academician Prof. dr. Nicolae Victor Zamfir, Vicepreședinte al Academiei Române, a primit cu autograf din partea autorului Adrian Grigore două cărți traduse în engleză: The Last Winter  și Red Alert for Romania. Evenimentul a avut loc la Academia Română și a fost urmat de o foarte interesantă discuție între cei doi despre literatură și cercetarea științifică. Mai multe aici.

March 12-14, 2024: THE LONDON BOOK FAIR:  The Last Winter launch – The Maple Staple stand 2C18

“I participated together with my wife Valerica, who holds a PhD in medieval literature, at the London Book Fair from March 12-14, 2024. My book The Last Winter was exhibited at booth number 2C18 of The Maple Staple Bookstore , and enjoyed attention, especially among students, interested in knowing as much as possible about the transitional period of Romanian society from communism to democracy. I autographed books and took many photos with the visitors.” More info here.

Traga şerpilor is Adrian Grigore‘s debut novel and was published in 1998 by the Albatros Publishing House in Bucharest

The novel ALERTĂ MAXIMĂ appeared in 2001 at the Albatros Publishing House in Bucharest

The novel Ultima Iarnă by the author Adrian Grigore was published in 2003 by the Albatros Publishing House in Bucharest

The novel Cercetător între veacuri by the author Adrian Grigore was published in 2018 by the Editura ePubishers in Bucharest

2004 edition

Two worlds-one story. Two worlds falling apart: Romania from the agony of Ceausescu’s reign and under his successors to this day, and Nineveh the doomed, shortly before the Babylonian conquest in 612 BC.

ISBN 0-595-31270-5


2022 edition

The Last Winter describes the agony of an annonin researcher and, broadly peaking, of the all-honest Romanian intelligentsia, in the muddled period that followed the overturn of Nicolae Ceausescu’s dictatorship in late 1989.

2023 edition

The Last Winter describes the agony of an annonin researcher and, broadly peaking, of the all-honest Romanian intelligentsia, in the muddled period that followed the overturn of Nicolae Ceausescu’s dictatorship in late 1989.

ISBN 978-1-961879-08-9 (sc)

ISBN 978-1-961879-09-6 (e)

RED ALERT FOR ROMANIA is a seductive adventure novel set during the Cold War.

ISBN: 978-1-6632-5959-2

The Maple Staple Books  

413 Keele St., Toronto, ON M6P 2K9, Canada.

June 18, 2023

The Last Winter

Two worlds-one story. Two worlds falling apart: Romania from the agony of Ceausescu’s reign and under his successors to this day, and Nineveh the doomed, shortly before the Babylonian conquest in 612 BC. One story: rampant corruption, lawlessness, pervasive moral degradation, and cruelty. Rulers and robbers are almost impossible to distinguish from one another. A thin minority of honest people still try to change their worlds: some fight in bloody revolutions, others devise new laws. Do they have a chance? The lead character, a researcher, comes from their ranks. His is a long-term vision. He seems to think that, beyond their decline and punishment, both worlds have something left to salvage-their libraries, their cultural identities. The Last Winter relates his dreams, his struggle, and, implicitly, his hope. He has essentially one friend, a cat, and one hope-that future generations will appreciate and need the heritage he’s striving to preserve. Wish him luck.

Dr Adrian Grigore is a scientist and a very gifted fiction writer. His most recent novel, The Last Winter is particularly significant for the Romanian scientific community and endeared by many of us, not only for the author’s exceptional gift of clear and attractive writing, but also for his list of subjects that are well-known by us in Romania and less known abroad. This list comprises a frozen scientific library, the richest in Romania, that was left without heating during the winter because of the indifference of the administrators and politicians. (…) The Last Winter is a vivid picture of an ex-communist society that falls in ruin in the post-communist era, as it is depicted by a professional scientist.”

Marian Apostol

Professor of Theoretical Physics

Member of the European Academy

Read the whole review 

“The Last Winter offers a deep approach to understanding the condition of the scientist in these rough times we are going through. The novel’s time setting oscillates between the present and the past. The theme of the action is reflected by the book’s motto: Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? (I Corinthians, 1:20). Having the events of 1989 as its first temporal landmark that leads to the fall of the communist regime, the author evokes significant aspects of the main character’s life – the Researcher – speaking of the scientific research in the Romanian society at the turn of the century. “Disregarded and enslaved” in the last century, “despised and humiliated” in this age, the Researcher, motivated by his anachronistic beliefs in a society selling “convenient truths”, is engaged in finding the truth; the oppressors do not change, regardless of the era. The narrative “wraps” around Tower B – the pillar of scientific information, crowned with the iconic giant atom, once the proud expression of scientific research. Driven by an older childish desire to touch the giant atom – an exacerbation of the essence of the material world – the researcher enters Tower B, affected by the harsh winter weather.”

Ioana Varga


Read the whole review

Aprecieri in presa  / Reviews in the press
