English / Română
ISBN: 973-24-0508-2
Cover: Mircea Muntenescu
Lecturer: Olga Silvia Turbatu
Traga şerpilor is Adrian Grigore‘s debut novel and was published in 1998 by the
Albatros Publishing House in Bucharest. It was launched at the International
Book Fair, Bucharest 1998 from May, 1998, at the “Floor 3/4” galleries and the
lobby of 1st floor of the National Theater building. The presentation of the novel
was made to the public by Univ. Prof. Dr. Silviu Angelescu – University of
Bucharest, who also wrote the synopsis on cover four. The book is currently being translated into English and will be published in US at the end of this year, under the title The Dragons’ Trail.

Traga şerpilor is not a novel-promise, it is a novel-surprise that will not disappoint those passionate about history, nor those who love adventure. Old events are evoked, from an era that has entered in legend – the end of the Phanariot century in Wallachia. A book about the past, one could say, if human dramas were not always the same, if we did not find at their origin the same tensions that abuse and injustice arouse.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Silviu Angelescu – University of Bucharest

The much-regretted Georgeta DIMISIANU, the director of Albatros Publishing House, announces the launch of the novel Traga Şerpilor by Adrian Grigore.
The entire movie of the release of the novel Traga Serpilor can be seen on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLPXZYT-0Ec&t=37s